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nineteen and mental ♥ i express my electric wit through my sharpie love

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer Lovin'

This summer has been a long [boring] one for me. To cure me of my boredom, i have made watching movies one of my new favorite pastimes, to be more specific, movies about love. Ironically, this new fascination for love is due to my lack of it. My year old love life has begun to fizzle and is beginning to reach it.s end. Boyfriend is going to break up with me soon...i know it. I.m not excited as i thought i would be about it, but i.m not bummed either. Hopefully we will leave as friends. Because i.ll soon be returning to my old non-existent love life, i.ve gained a serious interest in the love life of others, more specifically fictional ones. There are a few movies i.ve had my eye on and can.t wait to see...

Paper Heart

Is it just me, or is it fully impossible not to love Michael Cera.s awkwardness?

500 Days of Summer

Away We Go

I fully plan on seeing every single one of these movies and have a great time while doing it! Maybe i.ll see you there.


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