A few months ago, i was celebrating my 18th birthday and the fact that i was finally old enough to have my own debit card and manage my money. I have always been a good shopper. The cheapest you could find. Unfortunately, since i am unable to drive, i am also very limited when it comes to field trips to the mall. The solution to this problem is my downfall...online shopping. I love the freedom of being able to manage my own money [that was given to me] but i feel like i.m losing my mind. My shopping skills haven.t changed, i.m still really frugal, but whats tipping me over the edge are those damn shipping fees. I honestly must have spent over 300 dollars on clothes and stuff and over 100 on shipping fees. It breaks my heart, but i can.t stop. I don.t have a job right now and i.m going to become a college student which is keeping me in check right now. But i.m afraid that when i get a job, my thought process will change to "i.m losing money" to "i can get that money back next week, here.s my credit card." A few minutes ago, I just transfered 200 dollars to my checking account to spend it on 2 pairs of shoes, A dress/shirt/cover-up, 3 shirts, and a hat. Sounds pretty good right? Well the price should be 175...25 bucks for shipping fees. What hurts more is that i had a 20% discount but thanks to the shipping fees i only got 3 dollars off. I seriously need to grow up... and when i do...i.m going to need new clothes to match.
A few days ago i went to my freshman orientation and i had so much fun. Met new people, signed up for classes, and got a good look at the campus. I am going to absolutely love college. The dorm situation... not so much.
This is amazing once I was impressed
obat maag kronis
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