There once was a girl who loved a boy. She loved him with all of her heart. There once was a boy who loved a girl. He never wanted to be apart. But things soon changed and so did they. Their love withered and rarely did grow. They yelled and screamed and argued and spat. The girls heart grew as cold as snow. The boy would cry and the girl would sigh. Her love began to falter. The girl would dream of being free while the boy dreamed of the alter. She grew tired of his whining she no longer loved his voice. The girl searched deep within her heart. She knew she had to make a choice. Uknown to her and everyone the boy.s heart began to sway. He questioned if their love was real and he loved her the same way. They yelled and screamed and argued and spat. The boy knew what to do. He told the girl he was leaving her. He told her that was that. A sinister smile was placed on the face of the girl whose heart began to sing. She felt the coming of freedom. She tossed out his old ring. And they lived happily ever after. The End... or is it?
Ofcourse it isn.t because the boy won.t let the girl go. The girl needs a new strategy. Getting him to break up with her is the only way, though some may be confused as to why, they should just trust me.
This is amazing once I was impressed
obat maag kronis
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