So i.m sitting here looking down at my broken glasses and thinking, damn i.m an idiot. I knew laying down with my glasses on my bed would lead to this, but like the true dumass i am, i did it anyway. Another thought ran through my mind as i perched my new monocle on the rim of my nose, these broken specs seem to match my heart. Broken in half, right down the middle. My whole life is a metaphor, so metaphorically, he sat on my heart. I can.t feel love towards him anymore because the love is gone. I.m the reason for his sadness and depression. It.s my fault that other guys asked me out before him. It was wrong of me to take pictures with friends and being happy because it hurts him. He.s sad and hurt, it.s my fault, i have to fix it and make him feel better. As his "girlfriend" it is my responsibilty. I don.t recall the job of girlfriend being turned into babysitter. His insecurities exceed my own and his irrationality is unpredictable and annoying. My heart is broken along with my shining image of him. I can no longer run to his side when tears run down his eyes, my shoulder pats don.t quench his insatiable need for attention. I need love, and i don.t need this. Maybe i can fix my heart like my glasses. Or maybe, a new pair is what.s best. New love or no love at all, either is fine, as long as this love becomes old. Whose happiness is worth more, mine or his? I don.t know. I don.t care. I do care, though i shouldn.t. I don.t know where happiness lies, but it is not with us. I will find a way to fix my heart and my glasses along with them. Alittle tape should be fine. It adds character.
Artwork Copyright of
Joshua Tree
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