Boyfriend just broke up with me a few seconds ago. I have one foot through the door but i can.t close it yet. He.s done this before. He breaks up with me. Hangs up on me. Calls back for whatever reason. Pretends like he hates me and acts like a pompous jackass. Tells me he loves me, he needs me, he didn.t mean it, and he doesn.t want to be alone. The end. But this time it.s different. He didn.t storm away or yell or swear at me. His voice was full of aggitation and disappointment. The same voice he used to tell me he.s over me and our relationship. Then after waiting for me to give him a goodbye i never intended on giving he hung up. And here i am...
he called me 3 times before i picked up. He said he wanted to make sure i was ok. I snapped at him, because he does this every time and i.m sick of it. I stoodmy ground. I.m not going to lie to him anymore. I.m going to show him every part of me i.ve ever hidden from him and show him that i.m not the girl for him and i never was. He is minus a backbone but, he will leave me.
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