Not that i hated the show, i found it pretty amusing, but my gosh... never have i heard the word sex so much in one sitting. Every single scene mentioned that word fifty times atleast [another exaggeration but pretty close].
"it.s you.re first day of high school dear, don.t have sex and get pregnant like your sister"
" don.t worry mom i don.t plan on having sex. i.m not interested in having sex. if anyone tries to have sex with me i won.t have sex with them."
"i bet you.re having sex with that guy."
"i promise i.m not having sex with him. i never had sex with him. i never will have sex with him."
"good. because if you ever have sex with anyone else i.ll break up with you."
"you better not have sex with anyone either."
"man i want to have sex"
"i need to have sex"
"i.m a teenager, ofcourse i want to have sex."
Sex. sex. sex. The theme of the show was blatantly clear. Overall i found the show as an entirety very shallow, going no further than the topic of sex, pregnancy, dating and gossip [hey did you hear, whatshisname and whatsherface broke up. who? you know, that guys sister's best friend's cousin who sits behind the girl you sit next to in class. oh yeah him]. The random gossiping definitely made me chuckle.
I don.t know. I.ve been an American teenager since i became a teenager [in america] and i feel that this show doesn.t really do a good job portraying our secret life. I swear i can go an entire day without thinking about or mentioning sex in any way shape or form. But then again, maybe i.m just weird.
What do you think?
This is amazing once I was impressed
obat maag kronis
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